After taking 2 weeks off of therapies for eye surgery and a visit to her Dada, Gwenny was busy with appointments this week! We had occupational therapy, vision therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy and a visit with the eye doctor. That's a lot of appointments for one week!
OT: Gwenny is practicing her one finger pointing, using two hands to lift big toys and putting objects in smaller holes (such as shaped blocks in their appropriately shaped holes.) She had a lot of fun at OT this week play with big rings that looked like toddler sized hula-hoops. She was trying to put them over her head and over the therapist's head and thought it was very funny! It was the first time I heard her giggle while in therapy.
PT: In addition to working on trunk, arm and leg strength we started practicing climbing stairs this week. We continue to work on standing and half kneeling as well.
ST: Gwenny had a few break-throughs in speech (communication) therapy this week. She is pretty consistently waving hello and goodbye! She needs the reminder, but can do it and is pretty proud of herself (as she should be!) The therapist also noted that Gwen can consistently reach and "ask" for something (by making a vocalization,) look at something when I say "look" and point to it, and follow 2 step directions (when given in separate steps.) i.e. Pick it up. Put it in.
Follow up with eye doctor: Our doctor seemed please with the results of surgery. We have all noticed Gwenny's right eye is now occasionally out a little too far instead of in too far, like it was before surgery. The doctor said sometimes that tightened muscle with loosen a bit and her eye could be perfectly on, or its possible it could still loosen too much and her eye could turn in again. There is still a little bruising, but it's looking good so far. We will be working with our vision therapist to do all we can to get them straight!
We had a good Memorial Day and went to visit Great Grandma & Grandpa Andrus' and Great Aunt Kathy's grave sites. Then did the traditional family get together!
Good to know Gwenny has visits with Daddy!