We've done lots of swinging this week! While Gwenny was visiting her Daddy, I took a few solo bike rides and found a park in the neighborhood next to ours that has baby swings. This week, everyday that G didn't have appointments, we took the bike and bike trailer to the park and rode the swing! Not only does she love it, but it's good work for her core muscles which are getting stronger everyday.
Gwenny is excellent at sitting in restaurant high chairs now, and she's has fun being a big girl.
As G's core gets stronger, she gets better at playing with both hands together, since she doesn't have to use one hand to steady herself.
We've been doing a lot of work on Gwenny's arm strength with the bamboo braces and it is paying off. I've noticed she can weight shift between hands and reach with both hands (before she was supporting her weight on her right and reaching with left.) Also, in the past 2 days I've seen her scoot her right knee forward in this position. She's starting to get the idea of how to move her hands and knees in order to crawl. Very exciting for us!
G has figured out how to take her own shirt off! ...kind of. :) I came around the counter to give her some food, and this is what she had done. Dressing/ undressing is a milestone, so I'm happy about this!
G hanging out with Auntie Bree, and they're both playing with their tablets. :) |
True love.
I certainly had a lot of catching up to do. Happy to know all is going well and that the visit with Daddy was a wonderful time!