Gwenny has had her hands in her mouth almost non-stop again. I'm wondering if we have bottom molars coming in.
G tried a new swing at PT this week. Truly, she loves any kind of swing. The PT and I talked about trying bouncing horse or rocking horse that would be fun for Gwenny and help strengthen her core.

I bought some window clings for Gwenny this week to keep her interested in standing by the window longer. (We were up to 20 minutes standing, and then she started getting bored at 10 minutes. Ugh!) At first, she was not interested in the least. I had to play with the clings, putting them on and off the window several times before she realized she wanted them. (The coolest toy in the room is the one that someone else is playing with!) Once she got interested, she played while standing for 30 minutes!!! :D
Window clings! What a cool idea!