Happy Mother's day to the luckiest Mama in the world! (that's me)
Gwenny loves playing on the piano, and is more excited about it now than she was just a few short months ago. She enthusiastically hits her little hands on the keys to make as much "music" as she can.
G is getting more independent everyday, although it is a slow process. Slower than most other babies. I recall hearing parents say things like, "It seemed like my baby only crawled for a month and then suddenly was walking everywhere!" I sometimes need to remind myself that any progress is good and allow Gwen to be herself, and accomplish things at her own speed and in her own time. It is so great to see how motivated she is. She WANTS to do things- she wants to crawl, to use a spoon, to drink out of a regular cup. I truly believe that motivation is key to her progression. I love watching her learn and figure things out for herself.
She is a smart cookie!
Gwenny still loves bubbles and this week wanted to help Mama blow them. So, G held the bubble wand while I guided her hand into the bubble bottle and blew the bubbles.
Gwenny post surgery...
I have been truly amazed at how resilient Gwenny Claire has been the past few days since her eye surgery. She has continued to be cuddly but smiling. The day after surgery she was ready to get back on the carpet and scoot around to her toys. Her eyes are moving together more and are looking more straight than they were pre-surgery. I am not totally convinced they are "perfectly" straight yet, and she most likely is not using them together this early. (Which will be the next goal to work on.) There is still discoloration in the "white" of her right eye and I have been told that will take several weeks to heal and go back to white. As it heals it is going from a bright red to a yellow-bruised color and it is easier to tell if the eyes are straight.
She does not seem to be bothered by her eye at all. She's not rubbing it which I am very happy about. On Saturday morning I noticed what looked like a blister on the "white" part of her right eye. It concerned me, so I called the surgeon (who had given me her cell phone number for any questions I had...again Primary Children's...wow...thank you!) The doctor said it was normal and nothing to be concerned about. As long as the eye is looking straight/straighter, there is no discharge from the eye and she has no fever we are doing ok. So far so good!
Nice to read all positive updates!